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Javier Amuchastegui: Supervisor jurídico - Al servicio de los inmigrantes

Javier Amuchástegui was born in Córdoba, Argentina. He graduated as a lawyer in 2006 from the Universidad Católica de Córdoba.

Since 2007, he has held the position of University Professor of Labor Law at the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the same university. 

Javier worked as a paralegal and associate in one of the most renowned law firms in his city before establishing his own firm. Additionally, he contributed to the State Attorney's Office of Córdoba.

Thanks to his diverse experiences, Javier has cultivated qualities such as constant effort, teamwork, effective communication, leadership, and organizational skills, all aimed at achieving exceptional results.

Personal traits that define him include tenacity, dedication, and a good sense of humor. 

His primary objective is to ensure client satisfaction through collaborative efforts in the entrusted management.

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