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Thailys Rodríguez: Especialista en marketing - Al servicio de los inmigrantes

Thailys Rodríguez es de Venezuela, donde estudia Diseño Gráfico en la Universidad "Antonio José de Sucre". 

From an early age she has been passionate about art in its different manifestations, from drawing to traditional painting, which led his attention to graphic design as a professional career.

In the last 5 years she has dedicated herself both to reinforcing her training with courses in graphic design, digital marketing, community manager, among others, as well as putting this knowledge into practice, working as a freelance designer. 

She specializes in illustrations, design for social media, and brand identity. A person who easily adapts to work environments, with responsibility and good disposition.

Llámenos para que revisemos su caso - Al servicio de los inmigrantes

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