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If you are in danger in your home country, whether due to a political situation, religious reasons, ethinic conflict, sexual orientation, membership in a particular social group, or any number of other reasons, you may have the right to come to the United States and apply for asylum. If you are already in the country (either legally or illegally), you can also request asylum to ensure you are able to remain here without any problems. Whenever petitioning for asylum, it is important to ensure everything is handled correctly to avoid any type of legal problems that could put your status in jeopardy.

Stay In The United States By Requesting Asylum

Those hoping to come to or stay in the United States to avoid persecution must seek asylum. There are two (2) ways you may choose to seek asylum—learn more about each option below.

Affirmative Asylum

If you are currently in the United States and you want to seek asylum, you can apply for affirmative asylum. This requires applicants to file an application within one (1) year of coming to the United States or within a reasonable amount of time thereafter.

Defensive Asylum

Immigrants facing deportation from the United States may be able to halt proceedings by filing a defensive asylum application.

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