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Exploring Every Option Available For Your Deportation Defense

Motions To Reopen

If you are currently in the United States or have been in the United States and have a deportation order, you may be eligible to have your case reopened and you may be able to legalize your situation in the United States. Serving Immigrants can provide you with a detailed case analysis to determine whether you or a loved one are eligible to have your case reopened as the law changes frequently and Serving Immigrants have recently had much success with motions to reopen due to no notice received and due to recent changes in the law.

Cancellation Of Removal For Lawful Permanent Residents

If you or a loved one is a permanent resident of the United States but has been told that you or may be removed or deported from the United States either for crimes you have committed or were accused of or some other reason, you need to act quickly to apply for relief from deportation. One such form or relief is cancellation of removal for lawful permanent residents. We can help you stay in the United States by assisting you with that form of relief from removal.

Cancellation Of Removal For Non-Lawful Permanent Residents

If you or a loved one has been told that they may be removed from the country (commonly called deported), you need to act quickly before you are ordered removed and physically deported from the United States. If you have been in the United States for the last ten (10) years, we can help you stay in the United States, and if necessary, regularize your immigration status so you have less to worry about. This is not something you want to delay, and we can help streamline the entire process for you.

Waivers Of Deportation

There are different types of waivers of deportation depending on the crime for which you have been convicted, the amount of time you have been in the United States, your legal status in the United States at the time of applying for the waiver, and which, if any relatives, you have in the United States. Waivers are complex but Serving Immigrants has many years of experience with waivers. Therefore, if you would like to apply for a waiver, please contact Serving Immigrants, Inc. so we can assist you in determining whether you are eligible for a waiver, for which waiver you are available, and what documents you need in order to be successful to have your waiver granted.


If you are in danger in your home country, whether due to a political situation, religious reasons, ethnic conflict, membership in a particular social group, or any number of other reasons, you may have the right to come to the United States and apply for asylum. If you are already in the country (either legally or illegally), you can also request asylum to ensure you are able to remain here without any problems. Whenever petitioning for asylum, it is important to ensure everything is handled correctly to avoid any type of legal problems that could put your status in jeopardy. You can apply for asylum regardless of how long you have been in the United States; however, if you apply for asylum more than one (1) year after being in the United States you must show a reason for the delay in filing.

Withholding Of Removal

If you are in danger in your home country, whether due to a political situation, religious reasons, ethnic conflict, membership in a particular social group, or any number of other reasons, you may have the right to come to the United States and apply for withholding of removal. If you are already in the country (either legally or illegally), you can also request withholding of removal to ensure you are able to remain here without any problems. Whenever petitioning for withholding of removal, it is important to ensure everything is handled correctly to avoid any type of legal problems that could put your status in jeopardy. You can apply for withholding of removal regardless of how long you have been in the United States.

Protection Pursuant To The Convention Against Torture [Hereinafter, “CAT”]

If you are in danger in your home country, whether due to a political situation, religious reasons, ethnic conflict, membership in a particular social group, or any number of other reasons, you may have the right to come to the United States and apply for protection pursuant to the convention against torture, also known as, “CAT” relief. If you are already in the country (either legally or illegally), you can also request CAT to ensure you are able to remain here without any problems. Whenever petitioning for CAT, it is important to ensure everything is handled correctly to avoid any type of legal problems that could put your status in jeopardy. You can apply for CAT regardless of how long you have been in the United States and even if you have been convicted of serious crimes.

Image of Attorney Magdalena Cuprys, Esq with 4.7 start reviews

Attorney Magdalena Cuprys is a seasoned immigration lawyer based in Orlando and Coral Gables, Florida. With three languages under her belt and years of legal experience working with immigrants of all kinds, she brings considerable experience and insight to the field and works hard to explain immigration concepts, empower future citizens, and keep current and prospective immigrants up to date on US immigration law.

Connect with her firm, Serving Immigrants, to stay updated on the latest developments in United States immigration law and gain valuable insights needed to navigate the challenging legal landscape of immigration in Florida. 

Call Us Now To Get Your Case Reviewed (305) 924-1133

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