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  • By: Serving Immigrants
  • Published: March 2, 2021
A person stamping a document - Serving Immigrants

Navigating through the immigration process can be extremely complex and frustrating. This is made even worse if you have already had an order of removal issued against you by a judge. This order may cause you to be detained by ICE, deported, and make it so you can’t seek out immigration relief, petition for a status that would let you stay, or take other actions that could help your situation.

If you or a loved one is facing this situation, you will eventually have to file a motion to reopen removal orders. This will help you to be able to get your case looked at again, so you can argue for the right to stay in the country legally. While successfully filing this type of motion is not always easy, it can be done effectively with the right help from an attorney.

Evidence To Support The Reopening Of Your Case

The most important thing you can do when petitioning for the reopening of your immigration case is make sure you have strong arguments and evidence ready to go. While your attorney will be the one presenting the evidence to the judge, you will have to help them to gather it and ensure it is as strong as possible.

There are many different types of arguments and types of evidence that can be used to help support your case. For example, if there are changed facts and/or circumstances about your personal situation or changed facts and/or circumstances regarding what is going on in your home country, you could argue that there is a change in circumstances warranting the reopening and reconsideration of your case. Alternatively, if you were ordered deported or removed for a crime that is no longer a deportable or removable offense, you may petition to have the court to reopen your case.

If you were brought to the country illegally as a child, under the new DACA and DREAMERS laws, you may be able to remain in place as long as the motion to reopen removal orders is successful. You may also be eligible for a T visa as a victim of trafficking.

Contact Us Today

Whenever facing any type of immigration issues for you or a loved one it is critical that you act fast. Any delays can make it more difficult to get your case in front of a judge, and may expose you to additional risk of deportation. At Cuprys & Associates we not only have experience representing our clients in immigration cases, but we have actually been through it ourselves. Contact us to discuss your unique situation so we can help craft the most effective argument in support of your motion to reopen your removal orders possible.

Image of Attorney Magdalena Cuprys, Esq with 4.7 start reviews

Attorney Magdalena Cuprys is a seasoned immigration lawyer based in Orlando and Coral Gables, Florida. With three languages under her belt and years of legal experience working with immigrants of all kinds, she brings considerable experience and insight to the field and works hard to explain immigration concepts, empower future citizens, and keep current and prospective immigrants up to date on US immigration law.

Connect with her firm, Serving Immigrants, to stay updated on the latest developments in United States immigration law and gain valuable insights needed to navigate the challenging legal landscape of immigration in Florida. 

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